The template numbers on the following list are for templates used in my Correspondence Course.
Next course begins late February / early March 2012. Please email me capneasyATgmailDOTcom for information.
1. comic book
2. mome / new love and rockets
3. french bd album
4. manga
5. trade paperback - think chester brown collections
6. american magazine size
7. standard digest zine
8. magazine ratio digest zine
9. mini-comic
10. tabloid
11. no format - web format - 920 dpi wide scroll - whatthingsdo / ny times ratio
12. movie screen
**The "no format" of webcomics is it's own subject. I am forefronting the WhatThingsDo aesthetic because it jibes closely with the current wide screen tv screen / movie screen aesthetic. I understand that most webcomics are thinner and incorporate headings, sidebars, etc - in that case one would "find the square" and create a system of periodicity for the scroll.

1. comic book
2. mome / new love and rockets
3. french bd album
4. manga
5. trade paperback - think chester brown collections
6. american magazine size
7. standard digest zine
8. magazine ratio digest zine
9. mini-comic
10. tabloid
11. no format - web format - 920 dpi wide scroll - whatthingsdo / ny times ratio
12. movie screen
**The "no format" of webcomics is it's own subject. I am forefronting the WhatThingsDo aesthetic because it jibes closely with the current wide screedn tv screen / movie screen aesthetic. I understand that most webcomics are thinner and incorporate headings, sidebars, etc -