Here's a list of formats available to the comic book maker in 2014.
The template numbers on the following list are for templates used in my Correspondence Course.
Please email me santoroschoolATgmail for information.
1. comic book
2. mome / new love and rockets
3. french bd album
4. manga
5. trade paperback - think chester brown collections
6. american magazine size
7. standard digest zine
8. magazine ratio digest zine
9. mini-comic
10. tabloid
11. no format - web format - 920 dpi wide scroll - whatthingsdo / ny times ratio
12. movie screen
**The "no format" of webcomics is it's own subject. I am forefronting the WhatThingsDo aesthetic because it jibes closely with the current wide screen tv screen / movie screen aesthetic. I understand that most webcomics are thinner and incorporate headings, sidebars, etc - in that case one would "find the square" and create a system of periodicity for the scroll. See
this post about scrolling.
I think the most basic choices however are these three -in order of size:
manga (basically same size as most paperbacks) 5 x 7.5 inches
north american comic book (same ratio as digest zine) 6.5 x 10.25 inches
magazine size (basically the same as French BD) 8.5 x 11 inches - varies slightly
But lets look at all of them:
1. comic book
2. mome / new love and rockets
3. french bd album
4. manga
5. trade paperback - think chester brown collections
6. american magazine size
7. standard digest zine
8. magazine ratio digest zine
9. mini-comic
10. tabloid
11. no format - web format - 920 dpi wide scroll - whatthingsdo / ny times ratio
12. movie screen
**The "no format" of webcomics is it's own subject. I am forefronting the WhatThingsDo aesthetic because it jibes closely with the current wide screedn tv screen / movie screen aesthetic. I understand that most webcomics are thinner and incorporate headings, sidebars, etc -